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Virtual Reality

WARNING: We recommend consulting your doctor before using the VR headset if you have binocular vision abnormalities, psychiatric disorders, difficulty with balance, have high blood pressure, suffer from motion sickness, a heart condition, epileptic symptoms or other serious medical condition.
2018, Argentina, 18’
Project Creators: María Belén Poncio, Rosario Perazolo Masjoan, Damián Turkieh, Ezequiel Lenardón

18-year-old Juana is anxious to explore her sexuality. Using a wheelchair, she is about to go on a blind date with a guy she met through social media, yet she didn’t tell him about her disability. After their meeting, they need to overcome their fears as well as an inaccessible city.
07 - 09 October / SineBU
11- 13 October / Yunus Emre Cultural Center
16 - 20 October / Contemporary Arts Center, Goethe-Institut Ankara
2016, İngiltere, 14’
Project Creator: Jane Gauntlett
Inspired by the true story of artist Jane Gauntlett, In My Shoes: Dancing with Myself invites us to look at the world from the eyes of the artist. Jane has a neurological condition. She has seizures that inhibit control of her thoughts, words and actions. Jane’s form of epilepsy is complex and unpredictable, and makes her feel as though “an unruly beast” inhabits her body.
07 - 09 October / SineBU
11- 13 October / Yunus Emre Cultural Center
16 - 20 October / Contemporary Arts Center, Goethe-Institut Ankara
2018, Canada, 10’30’’
Project Creator: Kalina Bertin
Manic-depressives can go for years before realizing they have a mental problem. Their hallucinations and delusions are part of their reality. Manic VR invites us to the destabilizing yet mesmerizing world of bipolarity and associate us with the daily lives of manic-depressive people.
16 - 20 October / Contemporary Arts Center